First things first, please save these dates and join us:
Saturday, March 12th, 10 a.m. for Precinct Reorganization
Saturday, March 19th, 10 a.m. for County Convention
Your local Democratic Party NEEDS YOU, to get involved, to help get Democrats elected at ALL levels in 2022. To make that happen, we invite you to participate in our upcoming Georgetown County Democratic Party Precinct Reorganization Meetings on March 12th, and the GCDP County Convention on March 19th.
What's a Precinct Reorganization Meeting?
Your precinct is your neighborhood. At a Precinct Reorganization Meeting, you and your Democratic neighbors get together and ORGANIZE. For a precinct to be considered officially "organized" from the Democratic Party point of view, that precinct must nominate and elect one Executive Committeeperson. This is done every other year in election cycles (mid-term and general election years).
In addition to the Executive Committeeperson, there are Precinct Officers. If there aren't enough people present at the Precinct Reorganization Meeting to fill all Precinct Officer positions, the positions do not have to be filled; as long as there is one Executive Committeeperson in the precinct, it is considered officially "organized." However, the more neighbors we can recruit to become active and engaged in our precincts, the more our precincts will be capable of accomplishing. If we want to get a Democrat elected as Governor of South Carolina in 2022 (WE CAN; please try to believe it is possible), then we need to get more organized and elect as many Precinct Officers per precinct as we possibly can.
We will be holding Precinct Reorganization Meetings at four different locations throughout the county on Saturday, March 12th beginning at 10 a.m. and lasting up to three hours, with clusters of precincts assigned to specific venues based on geographic location to make it easier for folks to get to the meetings. To attend, you need only be: registered to vote, 18 years old and committed to Democratic values and principles. PLEASE ATTEND!
Where will my Precinct Reorganization Meeting be held?
We are so excited you plan on attending! If you do not already know the name of your precinct, it is printed on your voter registration card. If you cannot locate your voter registration card, you can access your voter registration information online through the South Carolina Election Commission Voter Information Request feature. Once you know your precinct name, click here to identify your cluster, which will be either: Andrews, Carver's Bay, Georgetown or Waccamaw. Then simply show up at the designated Meeting Location on March 12th at 10 a.m.
That's it for Precinct Reorganization! Once the meetings begin, officers will be elected and we will be making progress toward a country that looks and acts like the Democracy it is. Our country has so much potential and it needs us to work together to achieve it. Imagine how wonderful it will feel to spend time in-person with neighbors and community members who identify as Democrats, or at least believe in Democratic values and principles! We must energize and support one another!
While we have chosen to meet in-person to more effectively build a sense of community and excitement for this mid-term election year, we will certainly have COVID safety measures in place, and we will also offer a HYBRID OPTION for those who choose to avoid indoor gatherings and those who must work. If you fall into either of these categories, you may arrive at the meeting location at 10 a.m., sign in, provide contact information, complete forms and leave. Please do not abstain from participating because you cannot physically stick around for the meeting!
County Convention will be the following Saturday, March 19th, at 10 a.m.
For this meeting, all Georgetown County Democrats will gather at the Beck Administration Center at 2018 Church Street in Georgetown. We will NOT be meeting in clusters as we did for Precinct Reorganization, but we will be meeting as ONE Georgetown County Democratic Party. Please note that the HYBRID OPTION will also be available for this meeting, but you must sign in at Beck Administration Center in Georgetown.
We are planning a great event and Brandon Upson, Chair of the SCDP Black Caucus, will be our guest speaker. During the convention we will elect County Party officers for two year terms, and vote on the party platform resolutions to determine which should be submitted to the South Carolina Democratic Convention. We will also choose the delegates and alternates who will represent Georgetown at the state convention, which will be held in Columbia on June 10th and 11th.
That's it! If we don't try to turn South Carolina blue, it will never happen. How phenomenal will it feel to be a part of that?!?! Georgetown County must ORGANIZE, BELIEVE and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Help us get started simply by SHOWING UP!
Any questions? Call text or e-mail our Party Secretary, Deb Smith, 843-830-3996, or our Convention Secretary, Hannah Cromley, 803-665-8939,
